Car Accident

Can Uninsured Drivers Sue For Damages After A Florida Car Accident?

Can Uninsured Drivers Sue For Damages After A Florida Car Accident?

Did you know that Florida has one of the highest percentages of uninsured drivers in the US? According to the Insurance Information Institute, Florida ranks 6th in the US for its percentage of uninsured drivers. III has found that an alarming 20.4% of motorists in the Sunshine State do not carry insurance coverage. It means that your chances of being involved in an accident with an uninsured driver in the state are unnervingly high. When you are an uninsured motorist involved in a car accident, you must be wondering what avenues you can explore to seek reparations and what consequences…
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What Are The Legal Steps to Take After A Car Accident?

What Are The Legal Steps to Take After A Car Accident?

In Los Angeles, the number of accidents is at an all-time high, and motor vehicle accidents make for the majority of personal injury claims. According to Los Angeles traffic department figures, in January 2022, 290 people succumbed to road accidents last year, which is 22% more than in 2021. An ominous total of 1,470 individuals were gravely injured, a 35% upsurge over the same timeframe in 2022.    Knowing what to do after a mishap can significantly impact the result of a case and help a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer protect the defendant's legal rights. Consult this vehicle accident handbook…
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Ask a Car Accident Lawyer: 5 Must-Know Legal Terms

Ask a Car Accident Lawyer: 5 Must-Know Legal Terms

Car accidents are often scary and confusing. They can result in both serious and minor bodily injuries as well as substantial property damage. In the weeks after the accident, you will need to determine who was at fault, who is liable, what damages have been incurred, and what compensation will be awarded for any injuries. This process can feel complicated and overwhelming, but a car accident lawyer in Wyoming can help you understand what you are up against. Image Source Ask a Car Accident Lawyer in Wyoming: 5 Must-Know Legal Terms 1. Tort A tort refers to an act or…
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Why Is A Lawyer Necessary After A Car Accident?

Why Is A Lawyer Necessary After A Car Accident?

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like, Oh! God, what is happening around me? Just imagine yourself sitting in your car and waiting for the red signal to turn green. You are exhausted after working all day, and you want to turn some music on the radio. And!!!!! Suddenly... BAM!!!!!! Things are upside down for you! And you are struggling to come out from your car. Even though you suffer no injuries, but your car is a total wreck! What will you do in this situation? Maybe, Panic? That's what most people would do in this…
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